Emilia-Romagna is dotted with numerous castles that have witnessed battles, love affairs, intrigues and conquests. These fortifications are not only witnesses of a glorious past but are often also the scene of ghost stories and mysterious presences. Here we explore the legends of ghosts that hover around the castles of Reggio Emilia, Modena and Parma.


The Ghost of Everelina – Rossena Castle

The Castle of Rossena is an extraordinary architectural jewel. Located in the village of the same name (in the municipality of Canossa), it was built during the second half of the 10th century, probably in 960, by Matilda of Canossa’s great-grandfather, Adalberto Atto. Opposite the castle stands the Tower of Rossenella, also known as the Guardiola. Dating back to the 12th-13th centuries, the tower represents one of the most interesting artefacts in the Reggio Apennines.

It is said that the spectre of Everelina, the protagonist of a sad love story, has been haunting the castle for centuries. The daughter of a vassal of Matilda of Canossa, Everelina, in order to escape marriage to a man she did not love, chose to die by throwing herself into the cliff from the ancient tower.


The Ghost of Messer Filippo – Torrione di Spilamberto

The Torrione (or Torre Granda) of Spilamberto is the highest tower of the ancient castle wall circuit. The original structure dates back to the first half of the 13th century, but only later did it assume its current dimensions and characteristics (it certainly already existed in 1344). About 30 metres high, the tower is framed at the top by Ghibelline merlons. It currently houses a section of the Archaeological Museum.

Following restoration work in the mid-20th century, a secret cell was discovered (barely 2 metres wide by 1.50 metres) with its walls entirely covered in graffiti and inscriptions (described as the first comic strips in history) telling the tragic 16th-century story of Messer Filippo, a merchant who came to Spilamberto to offer his silks and wares to the beautiful castle girl he had fallen in love with. But this love led him to his death. Legend has it that on summer nights his lamentations can be heard.


The Ghost of Fairy Bema – Montechiarugolo Castle

Located on the left bank of the Enza torrent (20 kilometres from Parma and Reggio Emilia), Montechiarugolo Castle is a place of timeless charm. Built by Guido Torelli in the 15th century on the remains of a pre-existing settlement, it displays the typical features of late-medieval castles. It preserves several interior rooms and a loggia decorated with 16th-century frescoes.

According to legend, the beautiful Fairy Bema came to Montechiarugolo in 1593 to practise her magical art. Duke Ranuccio Farnese, fascinated and at the same time frightened, first imprisoned her in his dungeon and then condemned her lover Pio Torelli to death, with execution on 19 May 1612. However, the fairy, who was loved and well liked by the people of the village, did not want to leave Montechiarugolo, where she remained until her death. Every year since then, at the stroke of midnight on 19 May, the ghost of Bema appears on the castle walls, facing Parma, awaiting the return of her beloved.

The Ghost of Dame Bianca Pellegrini – Torrechiara Castle

Situated in a strategic position on a rise to the left of the Parma river, the Torrechiara Castle (part of the municipality of Langhirano) is one of the most remarkable examples of fortified architecture in Emilia-Romagna. It was built between 1448 and 1460 by Count Pier Maria Rossi as a defensive structure but also as a residence where he could secretly meet his lover Bianca Pellegrini, whose love story is celebrated in the Camera d’Oro frescoed by the Lombard painter Benedetto Bembo. The castle is the venue for numerous summer shows and has been used as a set for films and television programmes, including the famous fantasy ‘Ladyhawke’ (1985) directed by Richard Donner and starring Rutger Hauer, Michelle Pfeiffer and Matthew Broderick.

As a reminder of the fiery love, the two spirits often return on full moon nights to the famous Golden Chamber.

The Ghost of the Nameless Maiden – Rocca dei Rossi di San Secondo Parmense

The fortress was erected in the 15th century to defend the fortified village of San Secondo. First a mediaeval fortress, then a luxurious residence, it was inhabited by the Rossi family, who profoundly marked the history of the Parma area, imposing themselves as one of the most illustrious families. The courtyard and staircase of honour, the superb hall of the Gesta Rossiane, and the refined stucco decorations of the rooms of the Caesars and the Golden Donkey stand out. It occasionally hosts events inside or in the outdoor courtyard.

It is said that a young and unknown girl was murdered in cold blood in her early twenties and that she wanders around the manor in the guise of a ghost some evenings at midnight. According to the legend, there is a supposed bloodstain at the spot where she was supposedly murdered, on the chimney of the Hall of Latona.

The Ghost of Maria San Vitale – Rocca Sanvitale di Fontanellato

The Rocca Sanvitale is a majestic fortress built in the 14th century on the remains of an earlier fortified tower. Over time, it was transformed from a defensive fortress into the residence of the noble Sanvitale Counts, who then inhabited it for about six centuries. Inside is the Saletta di Diana e Atteone, known for its mannerist frescoes painted in 1524 by Francesco Mazzola known as Parmigianino.

Legend has it that the good spirit of little Maria Costanza Sanvitale, granddaughter of Empress Maria Luigia of Austria, who died at the age of five and a half, roams the fortress. Some people say they have heard footsteps, a child’s voice calling them, and have seen shadows, in two rooms in particular: the Billiard Room and the Reception Room.

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