Salame Felino, or rather “di Felino”, is a pork salami historically produced in the municipality of the same name in Val Baganza and in some neighboring municipalities, such as Sala Baganza and Langhirano, all in the province of Parma. A museum is dedicated to this delicious salami, the Museo del Salame di Felino, housed in the kitchens and food pantries of the Castello di Felino, the ancient manor that dominates the valley between the Parma and Baganza streams.
Felino is a charming village nestled among the rolling hills of the valley of the Baganza stream which owes its fame to the production of the famous and homonymous salami. Felino was the oldest charcuterie production center in the whole province of Parma, to which other villages such as San Secondo, Langhirano and Zibello were later added. As in the past, even today this tasty salami is artfully made by expert Mastri Salumai.
With this interesting museum Felino pays homage to his most beloved “son”, whose name therefore has nothing to do with felines. Considered by all to some extent as an authentic masterpiece of Italian cured meat art, Salame Felino even boasts Etruscan ancestry. This specialty is the fruit of the skilful union of the best pork with the particular microclimatic conditions of the place. After a long and complex journey, the European Community has awarded the Salame Felino PGI recognition.
The seat of the museum, the enchanting Castello di Felino, stands on an isolated hillock, in a panoramic and strategic position. It was built in 890 by the noble Marquis Luppone although the first evidence dates back to the 12th century and more precisely to 1140, when the abbess Agnese managed to recover her rights to a chapel included within the walls of the Castrum Filini. Enlarged and fortified in the following centuries, the castle can only be visited in part today: external walls, courtyard and basement.
Located just over 40 km from our farmhouse, the museum is part of the Food Museums of the Food Valley and tells of the relationship between the territory and its product-symbol, starting from the quality of the raw materials up to the skill of the hands that continue to work it. The exhibition itinerary is divided into five sections: the first is dedicated to historical testimonies; the second presents the gastronomic use of salami in Parma; the third is dedicated to butchery and homemade sausage production; the fourth presents the production technology from its origins to the pre-industrial period; and the fifth is reserved for marketing.
Inside there are various objects that belonged to butchers and peasant families, including: a meat mincer that can be carried on the shoulder (masnén par la cärna) dating back to around 1940; a trough (älbi) from 1920 into which the pork broth was poured; and a pepper mill (maznén da pevor) from around 1925.
For more information, visit the official website of the Felino Salame Museum.

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